Someday in the future,
When you lay awake in your bed,
Your head will spin in circles,
And you'll wonder what you could've done instead.
You've missed your children grow up,
Time has passed you by.
Your cell phone has consumed you,
The thought makes you want to cry.
What could you have done?
What else did you miss?
You feel as if time is up,
Was a cell phone worth this?
It isn't to late,
To commit to changing your life.
Put the phone away,
Living to the fullest will suffice.
Consider what truly matters,
Before time passes you by.
Don't realize you've missed out on life
When you don't have long before you die.
I was inspired to write this poem while at work the other day. Several times, I saw couples and families staring at their cell phones, rather than enjoying each other's presence. I am so grateful for the technology that we have today, which gives us the ability to talk to people who live far away, and search the web for instant answers. However, I get so concerned when I think about the amount of time many people (including myself) spend on our phones. My hope is that this constant need to be on our phones changes, before we realize that we've missed out on life.
This poem hurt many of us are too consumed with phones or other forms of technology and it would be so nice to put it all away and enjoy the world outside and our loved ones. ~Mrs. Kopp