Tuesday, February 28, 2017

TED Talk by Briana Cotten

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Technology, Entertainment, Design

TED is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that overall spread meaningful ideas. It allows anyone to have a voice and express what they are feeling in short, powerful talks. Each talk is usually less than 18 minutes and covers a variety of topics from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. TED is a global community who accept everyone who wants to share their thoughts and feelings about anything at all. Their goal is to allow anyone, no matter what the age, gender, or religion, to share something that will can change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. People are what make the world go round, thus by having access to such a positive resource, information may be acquired. Great ideas are now accessible and TED sparks conversation all over the world, no matter where you are, on a daily basis. TED talks may even be used in your daily school life as teachers use them as resources to teach. There is an average of 17 new page views a second and TED talk has been alive now for 33 years.

Visit https://www.ted.com/playlists/168/the_first_6_ted_talks_ever to view the first 6 TED talks ever to be created. After watching those one can truly see the overall growth this web page has taken.

Chris Anderson shares his vision for the future of TED in the link as followed https://www.ted.com/talks/chris_anderson_shares_his_vision_for_ted. Chris Anderson established in 1996 he Sapling Foundation, which now runs and owns TED.

TED makes money through conference attendance fees, sponsorship, foundation support, licensing fees and book sales.  TED uses the money for The TED Prize as well as daily improvements. The TED prize is awarded after TED selects a great idea each year and seeks to achieve goals of global impact.

The Top 25 talks of all time are shown on https://www.ted.com/playlists/171/the_most_popular_talks_of_all

TED is coming to our high school. Ms. Mauriello and Mr. Johnson. Also Ms. Pollison is help co-running this club for her knowledge in the biology topic. The overall course is going to be a 13 week process meeting in room 419 every Day 1. “So come be a part of the global community that believes there is no greater force for changing the world than a powerful idea”.

To Join the classroom code is: uepkm38

In this club you can create your own TED talk or become a…

·         club photographer 

·         social media expert

·         or finally a media production coordinator



  1. This sounds like a great club and I hope that lots of kids get involved! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. Way to plug the club here, Briana and explain what TED talks are and why we watch/perform them. I look forward to further TED Explorations and helping you and your peers spread your interests and knowledge in this productive way. --Mr. Johnson
