Inception Movie Review By Beck Gozdenovich
Plot Summary: Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his partner Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) are two men who are able to access people's dreams, and extract information from them. They gain this information, usually from big company CEO's, and sell it to big corporations for big bucks. But when a big corporation asks these men to do an inverse operation and plant an idea in someone's head, known as "inception", they are at first skeptical. But then the man promises to get Cobb back to his children. Cobb is overwhelmed and immediately agrees. Through this journey, we learn many things about Cobb's past that reveal why he was separated from his children in the first place, and why he struggles with doing these operations over and over again.
Rating and Reason: I give this movie a 9 out of 10. The slow beginning is a bit hard to get past, but if you stick it out, you won't be disappointed. The first hour and a half is dedicated to plot and character development, and it does a really good job of it. You learn so much about each and every character, their past, their capabilities, and their motives, all in depth. When the action starts, it is a bit overwhelming, starting with a train plowing through cars in the middle of a city street. The action doesn't stop there, it gets even more high-octane. My favorite scene was the changing-gravity fight scene with Arthur and the agent in the hotel. When you see how it was actually acted out and filmed, you are just mind-blown. Behind the Scenes. The ending is also very satisfying, unlike other Leonardo DiCaprio movies such as "Shutter Island". Overall, this movie was fantastic and I would recommend it to everyone, regardless of interests.
Did you just watch this recently? This is an older one! A frame story, too! ~ Mrs. Kopp
ReplyDeleteI'll watch anything DiCaprio and Nolan do. --Mr. Johnson