Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Stranded on Deserted Island- by Abraham LaBelle

Imagine you wake up on a tropical island, unable to remember how and when you got there. But, this is not a paradise, for you are stranded there until you can survive, or die trying. So, what would you do?

Being stranded on an island is a very popular scenario. Countless movies, stories, and games have been based on this simple idea. The reason behind this is for the basic principle of the scenario, survival, and humans have always sought to survive in every situation throughout history.
Surviving alone, however, is not every story's problem, as many stories change the conflict by adding the factor of surviving with other people. For those who thrive by themselves, surviving on an island is not an impossible task, but adding other people to the mix can cause numerous complications. A simple conflict of interests can lead to arguing, death, and above all- not working together as a group to survive.

Lord of the Flies is one of the stories that demonstrates this, as the young boys must conquer these challenges in order to survive the island. But, as survival stories go, they rarely end with everyone living to tell the tale...


  1. Starting with Robinson Crusoe, the island survival tale has been told and retold. I wonder if the zombie story isn't similar to the island narrative in its own way. --Mr. Johnon
